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Unwrapping Clarity: FAQs on Food Packaging According to FSSAI Guidelines

Writer: Manisha SharmaManisha Sharma

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Nutrition facts information  and food label guidelines
Myperfectpack- FSSAI Guidelines

Food is not just sustenance; it's an experience that we all cherish. As Indian consumers, we prioritize not only the taste and variety but also the safety and quality of the food we consume. In this blog, we aim to address some frequently asked questions related to food safety,In the world of food packaging, adherence to regulatory guidelines is paramount.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an autonomous body established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. It usually sets standards for food so that there is no chaos in the minds of consumers, traders, manufacturers and investors.

Consult from myperfectpack for new food packaging standard
Myperfectpack- Food Packaging

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has established stringent rules to ensure the safety and quality of packaged food products. Navigating these guidelines can be a challenge for entrepreneurs, but fear not! In this article, we'll address frequently asked questions (FAQs) on food packaging as per FSSAI guidelines and introduce MyPerfectPack, a revolutionary packaging solution that caters to entrepreneurs worldwide with its unique no Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) printing and packaging offerings.

With a specific focus on packaging, to ensure that your culinary journey is not just delightful but also secure.

Note : If you have questions about what is mandatory fields to be written on your food packaging, please check the blog :

Consumer can download the FSSAI Labelling guidelines ( FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARDS (LABELLING AND DISPLAY) REGULATIONS, 2020 or consult Myperfectpack's design team

FSSAI Food Labelling Checklist and Regulations - Artwork Flow :

FSSAI Guidelines on Nutrition Facts by myperfectpack
Myperfectpack- Nutrition Facts

Government agencies across the globe have stringent regulatory policies for food packaging designs. Every time a new product is launched or the packaging is renewed, you have to make sure you adhere to these policies.

In India, it’s the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) that dictates food packaging norms. For example, when it comes to labelling, the list of ingredients, nutritional information, an indication of non-vegetarian items, and so on, are required by the FSSAI.

Common Mistakes that Affect FSSAI Approval

1. Choosing the wrong font type and size

While you’re free to use any font of your choice for your logo or package name, guidelines require you to use a predefined typeface and font dimensions when listing important information. Details about the product such as the list of ingredients, warnings, or nutritional information have to be mentioned using an FSSAI approved font for effective packaging management.

For example, the FSSAI has directed that alcoholic beverage bottles above 200ml should display a warning in a font size of not less than 3mm.

By choosing the right font and size, you can steer clear of any such hiccups.

Myperfectpack- FSSAI Guidelines ensure that labels are as per compliance
Myperfectpack- Details Nutrition Guidelines

2. Not adhering to logo dimensions or colour

Logos specified by FSSAI come with detailed instructions on size and exact colour specifications. For example, the symbol to indicate non-vegetarian ingredients should be brown in colour and should be 4mm for packages of size 100-500 sq.cm.

The exact colour to be used can be verified before being used.

3. Not using enough contrast in packaging

Packaging colour plays an important role when shaping consumer perceptions. But to simplify readability and ensure that content constitution is clearly specified, contrast is important.

For example, the FSSAI logo and license number have to be displayed on the label in contrast color to the background.

Myperfectpack food guidelines for labelling
Myperfectpack- Compliances & Regulations

4. False advertising and misleading labels

In April 2019, FSSAI introduced strict regulations against false claims and misleading information. For example, soup packages that mention being “healthy” or “nutritious” can’t make this claim since they are high in sodium.

5. Nutritional information on the front of the package

While most of the packaging information is displayed on the back label, it’s mandatory to mention important information on the front of the package.

The amount of energy, total fat, trans fat, total sugar and salt per serving and the percentage contribution to the recommended daily allowance, should be clearly mentioned in the format specified by FSSAI.

What information required on food package by myperfectpack
Myperfectpack- Details on Labels

Trying to follow regulations as part of your design workflow can be challenging. But it’s recommended to double-check your labelling and artwork before heading off to printing.

Here’s why artwork proofing needs to be a part of your packaging design process.

How can Artwork Proofing Help?

There are professional graphic designer who check and ensure Artwork proofing to verify colour schemes and extract fonts . This makes the verification process extremely effortless.

Artwork proofing services from experts bring about advantages such as:

1. Easy Adherence to Regulations

Regulating information on your artwork needs your branding, legal and packaging teams to be involved. An online proofing tool makes the process seamless by letting them instantly check if the contents of the packaging design are complying with the regulations or not.

2. Improved Quality Control

Online artwork proofing tools allow better collaboration between designers and business managers. They offer a framework for better communication between teams. Managers can clearly state what exactly they are looking for and the designer can implement the changes easily.

3. Faster Corrections

Artwork checking tools can make the reviewing and proofing process much quicker, owing to built-in functionality that helps verify specifications as per FSSAI regulated content. Project managers can easily know if a logo has the right colour, can verify dimensions, and so on.

Make Compliance a Part of the Process

Trying to follow all regulations while designing the packaging can increase the complexity of the workflow and make it error-prone. Artwork management for food and beverage industries help make minor adjustments quickly and verify revisions while reducing the chances of mistakes.

Online tools facilitate the review and deployment of new product packaging faster while adhering to all regulations. In turn, helping you easily address any inconsistencies in packaging and drastically reduce the time-to-market.

What are your thoughts on meeting industry packaging standards? How do you ensure you follow FSSAI rules? Do you have any questions about artwork proofing tools? You can connect with Myperfectpack team and FSSAI Consultant will ensure that your labels / artwork meet the criteria of compliance process . Meanwhile lets understand normal frequent words used in packaging and FSAAI Label guidelines :

What is food?

Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.

What is food a definition from Myperfectpack
Myperfectpack- Abbreviation of FSSAI
What is food safety?

Food safety is a scientific discipline describing the handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards.

Food safety FSSAI Frequent Questions by Myperfectpack
Myperfectpack- Food Safety FAQ
What is food adulteration?

Food adulteration is the process in which the quality of food is lowered either by the addition of inferior quality material or by extraction of valuable ingredient. It not only includes the intentional addition or substitution of the substances but biological and chemical contamination during the period of growth, storage, processing, transport and distribution of the food products, is also responsible for the lowering or degradation of the quality of food products.

What are adulterants?

Adulterants are those substances which are used for making the food products unsafe for human consumption effects the retail public. Commercial buyers for whom this is an issue have simply taken the export system as a de facto standard and are willing to pay premium prices for produce from growers certified under the NPOP.

What is FSSA, 2006 & why this Act is needed?

Food Safety and Standards Authority, 2006 is an Act enacted to keep with changing needs / requirements of time and to consolidate the laws relating to food and to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. The Act was needed to bring out a single statutory body for food laws, standards setting and enforcement so that there is one agency to deal and no confusion in the minds of consumers, traders, manufacturers and investors which was due to multiplicity of food laws.

food safety and standards act, 2006 by myperfectpack
Myperfectpack- FSSAI Standard 2006
Does FSSAI serve the purpose of a unified food law?

Yes, the Act consolidates various food laws.

Who is the regulatory authority under the Food Act in India?

The food Safety and Standards Authority of India in association with State Food Authorities are responsible for implementation &enforcement of FSSA, 2006 is the regulatory authority.

When was FSSAI established?

The food Safety and Standards Authority of India under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 was set up on 5th September 2008.

What are the priorities of FSSAI?

FSSAI lays down science-based standards for articles of food and regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

What does FSSAI do?

The mandate assigned to the Food Authority is (i) lay down science-based standards for articles of food (ii) to regulate the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of food (iii) to facilitate food safety.

How consumers benefit from FSSA?

The representatives of the consumer organizations are members of the Food Authorities and Central Advisory Committee. The consumer may analyze the samples of food on payment of fees. In case of injury of death of consumer, there is a provision for compensation to the consumer.

What role Food Authority is currently playing in ensuring quality and safe food to the consumers?

Food Authority is in the process of formulating and finalizing the various regulations/guidelines in terms of provisions under the Act to ensure the quality and safety of food and give effect to the mandate of the Food Authority.

Which agency is responsible for investigating food? borne illness and foreign object complaints?

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities will investigate such complaints. Which agencies regulate the food business in India?

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities will regulate the food business in India.

How the New Act will curb increasing food adulteration?

There will be better auditing, Food Safety Management System (FSMS), traceability, recall and other systems in place which will help in curbing food adulterants

Do all food business operators need a licence to sell food products

Yes they all need to register with FSSAI and get a licence to sell food products.

Do State governments have to comply with the requirements of the Food Act 2006?


Who is the responsible authority for the enforcement of FSS Act in States?

State Food Authorities (Commissioner of Food Safety of the States) are responsible for the enforcement of FSS Act in the States.

Does FSSAI recommend some private laboratories which provide testing service for food?

Yes, FSSAI had recognized an adequate number of NABL-accredited laboratories authorized for analysis including labs (3) for radioactive contamination for imported food testing.

Are there any microbiological guidelines for food in India?

There are no microbiological guidelines for food in India, however the Microbiological standards exist in the FSSAI regulations for foods in India.

Who is the regulatory authority of Foods like Energy drinks, Nutraceuticals, Food Supplements, Functional foods etc.?

The FSSAI is in the process of developing the regulation for Novel Foods, Functional foods, food supplements etc. which is under consideration of the Scientific Panel on Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Dietetic Products and Other Similar Products of the Food Authority and will further be considered by the Scientific Committee, Food Authority and notified in the Official Gazette after previous approval of the Central Government.

What are GM foods does FSSAI provide regulations for such type of foods?

GM foods means food and food ingredients composed of or containing Genetically modified or engineered organisms obtained through modern Biotechnology, or food and food ingredients produced from but not containing Genetically modified or engineered organisms obtained through modern Biotechnology. The GM food does not come under the purview of FSSAI.

What is organic food?

Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming in general features practices that strive to cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Organizations regulating organic products may restrict the use of certain pesticides and fertilizers in farming. In general, organic foods are also usually not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents or synthetic food additives.

Are there standards for organic food?

In India, the Agricultural Processed Foods Export Development Authority (APEDA) under Ministry of Commerce is the controlling body for organic certification for export. Till date there are no domestic standards for organic produce within India. Currently 11 certification agencies have been authorized to undertake the certification 13 process under the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). Although there is no system for monitoring the labelling of organic produce sold within India, this is primarily.

Does packaged & bottled water come under FSSA, 2006?


What is a food recall & what is its purpose?

?Recall? means action taken to remove a marketed food from distribution, sale and consumption which is unsafe and violate the provisions of the Act and the rules & regulations made there under. The purpose is to prevent, reduce or eliminate a risk arising from food to the consumer.

Where can consumers find information on recalls of food products?

Yes the information on recall of food products may be provided on Food Authority website.

What should consumers do if they have a product that has been recalled?

The consumer should not consume the product and return it to the shopkeeper from where they have purchased the product or return it to the company representative.

Where can I complain about food bought from a shop or restaurant?

You should complain to the Food Safety Officer / Designated Officer /DC of your area or Food Safety Commissioner of the State.

Where can I report a potential food safety incident?

You should complain to the Food Safety Officer / Designated Officer /DC of the area or Food Safety Commissioner of the State

Where can I obtain information on food safety?

The information can be obtained from the website of the FSSAI.

What is meant by Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)?

A Food Safety Management System (FSMS) is a network of interrelated elements that combine to ensure that food does not cause adverse human health effects. These elements include programs, plans, policies, procedures, practices, processes, goals, objectives, methods, controls, roles, responsibilities, relationships, documents, records, and resources

What is the Purpose of FSMS?

To ensure the manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of safe food. For more information please visit https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/cmsweb/

What are the rectifiable labelling deficiencies ?

In case of imported packaged food consignments, the following special dispensation on labeling shall be allowed for the rectification at the custom bound warehouse by affixing a single non detachable sticker or by any other nondetachable method next to the principle display panel namely:―

a) Name and address of the importer;

b) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s Logo and license number,

c) Non-Veg or Veg Logo

d) Category or sub category along with generic name, nature and composition for proprietary food

Other Important Paramenter to Keep in Mind :

  1. What are the primary FSSAI guidelines for food packaging? FSSAI guidelines cover various aspects, including packaging materials, labeling requirements, and hygiene standards. Packaging materials must be food-grade, and labels should provide information on ingredients, nutritional facts, allergens, and more.

  2. Are there specific requirements for packaging materials? Yes, FSSAI mandates the use of food-grade materials that do not compromise the safety and quality of the packaged food. It is essential to choose materials that are free from contaminants and toxins.

  3. What information must be included on the food package label? FSSAI requires comprehensive labeling, including product name, list of ingredients, nutritional information, allergen declaration, FSSAI license number, net quantity, and more. Adhering to these labeling requirements is crucial for compliance.

  4. How does MyPerfectPack assist entrepreneurs in meeting FSSAI guidelines? MyPerfectPack understands the complexity of FSSAI guidelines and offers tailored packaging solutions that align with these regulations. From selecting appropriate materials to designing labels that comply with FSSAI requirements, MyPerfectPack streamlines the packaging process for entrepreneurs.

  5. What sets MyPerfectPack apart in the world of packaging solutions? One of the standout features of MyPerfectPack is its no Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) offering. Entrepreneurs can now access high-quality printing and packaging services without the constraints of large order quantities, making it a cost-effective and flexible solution.

  6. How does MyPerfectPack cater to entrepreneurs globally? MyPerfectPack's global reach extends to 190 countries, providing entrepreneurs worldwide with access to reliable and efficient packaging solutions. This international presence allows businesses to expand their reach without compromising on quality or compliance.

  7. Can entrepreneurs customize their packaging designs with MyPerfectPack? Absolutely! MyPerfectPack empowers entrepreneurs to express their brand identity through customizable packaging designs. From choosing materials to designing labels, entrepreneurs have the creative freedom to showcase their products in the best possible light.


Navigating the intricate landscape of food packaging regulations, especially those set by FSSAI, can be a daunting task for entrepreneurs. MyPerfectPack emerges as a beacon of support, offering not only compliance with FSSAI guidelines but also flexibility through its no Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) printing and packaging solutions. As entrepreneurs strive to make their mark in the global market, MyPerfectPack stands ready to be the trusted partner in their packaging journey, facilitating seamless expansion and success.


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